This is the legendary take you pretend to take you to fly!

The young and middle-aged people in Heze only feel that their bodies are slowly rising. The old, weak, women and children behind them have become European-shaped mouths, and their eyes are full of envy. A child of seven or eight years old rushed out and shouted: "I want to fly, too!"
"You are still young. When you grow up, your uncle will take you to force you to fly!" Haikui glanced at the child and said.
Several years later, the child grew up, and every time he thought about it, he sighed and was cheated by the fairy. Since then, he has never seen the fairy again. Of course, this is another story!
Hai Kui doesn’t know why he suddenly wants to pack to force himself. Originally, he was going to throw this group of people into the five spirits’ magic beads, but he didn’t think it was ethereal enough, so he brought up the scene of immortals taking people flying on TV before.
Walking at the foot, slowly rising, feeling light and nervous, this is how Heze people feel now.
In the envious eyes of the people below, Haikui took them to fly in the direction of the city.
Excluding the old, weak, women and children, there are only over 600 young adults left.
"I think you have to develop more population in the future!" Haikui said to the nearest person.
The man looked a little wooden. "Fairy, how to develop the population?"
"Why ask me?" Haikui squinted at him.
The man looked embarrassed, but he didn’t look like he was thinking wrong, but he really didn’t know.
"Have you married a wife?" Haikui asked.
The man nodded shyly. "Married."
"Then you don’t know how to develop the population?" Haikui’s eyes are full of contempt, but on second thought, they don’t have a computer here, and their education is backward and can’t keep up!
Because it is the first flight, most people are very nervous. I didn’t dare to get out of the atmosphere. I slowly found that the flight was very smooth, so my heart was relieved. A middle-aged man in his forties said to the shy man, "Brother, I’ll tell you how to develop the population!"
The shy man turned to look at him. "Go ahead, second brother."
"You see, do we need to sow seeds in the field to grow crops? Then you can grow crops? " The second brother said with a pedant look.
The shy man nodded.
The second brother went on to say, "Women are the land, and we sow the land. What you do every night is to sow the land. This is to develop the population. Now you have no children, so you are still a little confused. You will know when you have children. What grows in the ground is crops, and what grows in your daughter-in-law’s stomach is people!"
Haikui gave a thumbs-up to the second brother’s easy-to-understand explanation. "This big brother speaks really well and is easy to understand!"
The middle-aged man chuckled: "Where, where, showing off in front of the fairy!" "
Haikui also laughed: "Where, where, a threesome, there must be my teacher!"
The man was stunned and immediately said, "Oh, this is the person asked by the university. I can’t think of such a sentence!" "
Haikui was embarrassed to have a dry cough. This sentence came from Confucius, and it has nothing to do with him. If it does, it’s just that Haikui learned one or two sentences at school.
"Brother, it’s hard for you to get married!" Haikui patted the shoulder of the people around him. "I suddenly wondered if you were with your wife at night!" "
Shy people can understand this sentence and say shyly, "That’s necessary. I’ll fuck her several times in the evening!" " He said this sentence with confidence and without shame.
Haikui suddenly found that no matter where he went, the topic of men could not be separated from money and women, so everywhere, men had something to talk about!
Haikui with more than six hundred people will soon fly to the city, has reached the shore, he commanded softly, "everyone is quiet! Don’t make any noise. We are attacking at night tonight. Do you understand? "
Haikui looked at them with a confused face, so he had to explain in more white words: "Just wait a minute, we will sneak in and kill them secretly while they are sleeping. If they wake up, they will rush up and kill them!"
This sentence of spoken parts can’t be whiter. If you don’t understand Haikui, you can only express regret.
But fortunately, they understood!
Haikui took them to the ground. Although the soil on the shore was soft, it was obviously a little harder than the shallow water in Heze. Haikui could see that they were all very happy. And there are many people with novel eyes, maybe they didn’t come here before.
Haikui looked up into the distance, and then said to them, "Everybody keep your voice down. Now I ask, which one of you can lead here?"
A thin man of about forty came out, and then the second brother said softly, "me!" "
Haikui looked at the thin 40-year-old man and asked, "I don’t know what to call it?"
"My name is Qin Hui, and they all call me Brother Hui!" The thin man replied.
Yo, this name is a bit of a triad boss. Haikui smiled and said, "Well, I’ll call you Brother Hui, too!" "
"How dare you? You are a fairy, so you still call me Keiko!" Brother Hui gave a hand and said.
"Don’t be so wordy, it’s Brother Hui!" Haikui said with a straight face.
Brother Hui had to say, "Ok, then Brother Hui!"
If he is a triad boss, he must be a very easy-going triad boss.
Haikui turned to look at the man who had just been called the second brother and asked, "What’s your name?"
"They all call me second brother, and you are immortal …" Second brother was just about to say something, but Haikui interrupted him. "If you don’t do that, it’s always that you are immortal, so you are second brother, and I will arrange the speed."
Second brother had to shut up.
"You all listen to Huige and Second Brother now. Huige and Second Brother listen to me directly. You can do whatever I tell you later. Can you do it?" Haikui lowered his voice and said to six hundred people.
They nodded.
"Wait, I will send a group of wild animals to rush first. Huige will follow the wild animals with three hundred. The second brother’s people will cover 50 meters away from Huige’s people, but as long as they enter the city, they will kill me hard! Until the other side surrenders, do you understand? " Haikui said to the crowd.

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