长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶工作室,长沙喝茶论坛,长沙桑拿夜网 喝茶VX If it weren’t for lighting the long-range missiles, Jupiter’s fleet would never be so passive!

If it weren’t for lighting the long-range missiles, Jupiter’s fleet would never be so passive!

Yip Han’s enemy seldom stops at Callisto for a while, but after a few minutes, the cold wave suddenly rises. "Captain, the enemy is away from Callisto!"
"So soon?" Yip hon secretly surprised "what’s the situation of Callisto?"
"Nothing seems to give up."
"When can I bring the enemy ship into range?"
Road "two days less than two days!"
Yip hon gritted his teeth. "In two days, the enemy will exchange fire with Jupiter’s fleet!"
No matter how unwilling you are, you can’t change the law of the lone wolf. When you get to the truth, a captain, Ye Han, can suppress his anxiety and don’t want his impatience to affect others.
But how can everyone be influenced by Yip Han?
With the passage of time, everyone’s mood became more and more agitated, and the situation of Jupiter’s fleet was more serious than that of the lone wolf. In just two days, Gao Kai’s mouth was covered with blisters and his spirit was extremely depressed.
In the past two days, the alien fleet has been approaching tens of thousands of kilometers away from Ganymede. Gao Kai once again asked about the position of the lone wolf, but learned that it still takes half an hour.
It will not take half an hour to arrive, but half an hour to bring the enemy into the range of long-range missiles.
The crowd breathed a sigh of relief, and Jupiter’s fleet could persist for half an hour without fighting capacity!
But Gao Kai didn’t order the fleet to retreat, but decided to order the fleet to take the initiative.
Others were amazed. Wang Li and Gong Wei winked at each other. Finally, Wang Li gently coughed, "Commander, the Lone Wolf is coming. No matter what we do, we can completely destroy the enemy by insisting on the Lone Wolf for half an hour. Are we going to fight hard with the enemy at this time?"
Gao Kai was unmoved and asked coldly, "You wouldn’t fight without the lone wolf?"
They were all stunned and speechless.
Gao Kai looked up and his eyes were icy. "We really don’t have anything to fight against the super bug gun, but did you see it?" There are seven super bug guns left, but we have more than 30 warships. Even if one ship is changed, there will be more than 20 enemies left. Can’t we deal with them without super bug guns? "
Everyone was stuck and didn’t know what to say.
Wang Li reluctantly said, "Commander, there is no need for us to fight the enemy desperately, is there?"
Gao Kai said stiffly, "What shall we do if we flinch once today? Do you want to continue to retreat? "
This time even Wang Li was afraid to speak again.
Gao Kai said softly, "I don’t want to say anything more. I ordered the army to attack!"
One order, more than 30 warships split up and haven’t left Ganymede’s cover yet. Each ship has locked its target by satellite and hit the ship’s missiles all at once.
The ships not only fired missiles, but also Gao Kai ordered smoke screens to cover themselves.
Chapter 1912 Gauss density
After the missile left the ship, it was also the horse that released the smoke. Not long after, more than 30 groups of smoke came out from behind Ganymede almost at the same time … At this time, the warship was still hiding behind Ganymede and was not in the sight of the alien fleet.
Aliens seem to know that Jupiter’s fleet hasn’t come out yet, and the super bug gun hides and doesn’t send his warships, but seems to be trying to intercept missiles
Gao Kai expression more gloomy as if brewing a storm.
This is the first time that the enemy has taken the initiative to cover the super bug gun and directly let him consume the super bug gun.
Gao Kai foresaw that the next battle would never be easy, and immediately ordered the only mother ship to release all the ships. Not long after, all the combat units of Jupiter Fleet rushed head-on to the enemy.
Jupiter’s fleet has just flown away, and an inconspicuous crater in Ganymede suddenly hit this scene. Not only was Ganymede exactly the same a few days ago, but it was also discovered by the fleet’s satellite.
Gao Kai was very surprised that Callisto had learned a lesson. Why didn’t aliens have a long memory?
There is no reason not to eat the fat meat. Pretend to be an asteroid and immediately hit the crater on the ground and drop a nuclear bomb.
At the same time, Jupiter’s fleet bypassed Ganymede and just floated out from behind the satellite, and the super cannon was fired at the smoke before the naked eye could see it.
Seven warships, the largest in blink fleet, were shot at the same time, including a mother ship and six destroyers.
Gao Kai felt that all the screens in front of him were shining at the same time. He consciously closed his eyes when his horse was going to die, but after a short stare blankly, he was startled to find that his heart was beating badly.
Since you can still feel your heartbeat, you must be alive!
Open your eyes and see nothing on the screen.
"What’s the matter?" Gao Kai is out of anger.
"Report!" Gong Wei came out. "My ship was shot and all the lens parts in front were destroyed!"
"How about a warship?"
"The bow of the ship has disappeared by about one fifth, and there is no problem in the middle and rear sections of the two sides."
Gao Kai breathed a sigh of relief, "It’s okay!"
Although the bow of the ship was lost, there was no problem with the base in the middle and rear sections. At least two-thirds of the fighting capacity was guaranteed, and it was completely unaffected.

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