Then look on coldly and watch their jokes.

So Chang Sheng spread his hand, "I don’t know."
"But you were angry on the sidelines …" The reporters were adamant.
"That must be your mistake," Chang Sheng said with a straight face.
Chapter seventy-three The universe team
Changsheng didn’t fall into the pit dug by the media in the end.
He insisted on not evaluating the referee’s practice.
This makes those who are waiting to teach him a lesson depressed.
I thought that I usually talk a lot, and I have a chapter. How can a smelly mouth win suddenly?
Losing the game against Chievo and winning is not too much to heart.
Being unbeaten in a row in the first season, you can’t even think about winning. You always lose, and the players’ performance is not stable enough, especially after the UEFA Cup knockout.
Since he has decided to win the UEFA Cup, the top four in the league will do.
Changsheng decided to focus on the UEFA Cup.
In a few years, the UEFA Cup will be gone, and he can’t even get the championship if he wants it.
Just like collecting things, the absolute value is always the highest.
The UEFA Cup is not nearly as good as the Champions League, but it’s like putting it away when it’s absolutely necessary.
Lazio welcomed their UEFA Cup semi-final opponent Dzenit of St Petersburg in midweek.
Changsheng knows how difficult it is to play away from Dzenit in St. Petersburg in cold weather.
You can still feel a little cold in Italy at the beginning of March, not to mention St. Petersburg further north
All we have to do is let the team win as many goals as possible at home in the first round.
It’s not a question of winning or not, it’s a question of winning a few
If the score is 1-21, Lazio will have to be prepared to fight hard when they go away.
It will have a profound impact on the whole season.
Changsheng is unwilling to do so.
He wants to ensure a big win in this game.
Lazio put the highest speed at home from the start of the game, regardless of whether they can hold on to the end at this rhythm.
Even the commentator is wondering whether playing Lazio like this can keep this rhythm all the time.
Winning always requires only one thing from the team-to score goals as soon as possible and score as many goals as possible.
Lazio took the lead in the tenth minute of the game.
Pandev team’s first record
Five minutes later, Lazio scored another goal. This goal was scored by Passareira in a corner kick, and Tally headed the team to expand the score.
Then Dzenit in St. Petersburg reclaimed the formation and they realized what Lazio was going to do-they were going to kill the suspense of two rounds at home!
Dzenit in St. Petersburg naturally cannot let them succeed.
So Eduardo Carter also ignored the scene and asked the team line to defend and compress Lazio and timely.
But by this time, Dzenit in St. Petersburg had fallen into the Lazio rhythm and were not used to the fast pace. They were disorganized by Lazio.
Another goal was conceded before half-time.
Half-time allowed the players to eat and regain their strength. They had a good rest for fifteen minutes and continued this high rhythm at half-time.
When Chang Sheng found that some players couldn’t hold on, he changed players decisively.
Ensure that the team speed will not be slowed down by the physical fitness of a player.
In the seventy-fifth minute, Chang Sheng had already filled three substitution places, and then he slowed down and controlled the ball to defend.
By this time, the score was already 4, and Lazio almost killed the suspense in the second round.
Constant victory, fast pace and high confrontation make St. Petersburg Dzenit helpless
When it comes, it becomes garbage.
Dzenit in St. Petersburg was beaten and robbed.
The score hasn’t changed until the end of the game.
Lazio beat Dzenit in St Petersburg 4 times at home.
Journalists all agree that Lazio have advanced to the top.
But Changsheng doesn’t see it that way.
“4? They still have a chance to return to home. I don’t think we can celebrate now. "
Chang Sheng said this at the post-match press conference.
Eduardo Carter looked very depressed. "We lost, and I don’t want to lie. In fact, Lazio played very well. Their football is like coming from another planet. It’s not a planet with us … the second round? I don’t know … "
Since then, winning Lazio has won a nickname.
"Cosmos Team"!
Chang Sheng was drinking milk when he saw such a name in the media. He almost spit out all the milk in his mouth.
Cosmic team?
Isn’t that Barcelona Dream Team 3?

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导语:随着全球化的深入,越来越多的外籍人士涌入长沙,感受这座城市的独特魅力。其中,传统的长沙桑拿浴成为他们体验中国文化、放松身心的首选。本文将带您走进长沙外籍人士的桑拿世界,感受这场独特的身心洗礼。 正文: 长沙,这座历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚的城市,以其独特的传统桑拿浴吸引了众多外籍人士。在高温环境下,他们体验着一场身心的洗礼,感受着中国文化的博大精深。 传统长沙桑拿浴,又称干蒸浴,起源于我国古代,历史悠久。在特制的木房内,高温的岩石上泼水,产生冲击性的蒸汽,使人在高温环境下大汗淋漓。这种独特的洗澡方式,对外籍人士来说,既是一种全新的体验,也是一种身心放松的享受。 外籍人士小王表示:“来到长沙,首先要体验的就是桑拿。这里的桑拿不同于我们国家的桑拿,高温环境下,全身毛细血管扩张,大汗淋漓,感觉身体里的毒素都被排出来了,真的很舒服。” 长沙桑拿浴对身体健康也有着诸多益处。它能加快血液循环,使全身各部位肌肉得到完全放松,达到消除疲劳、恢复体力、焕发精神的目的。同时,对风湿症、关节炎、腰背痛、哮喘、支气管炎、神经衰弱等疾病均有一定疗效。 外籍人士小李在体验过长沙桑拿后说:“我在国外也尝试过桑拿,但长沙的桑拿浴让我感受到了不同的体验。这里的桑拿浴更注重于身心放松,让我在忙碌的生活中找到了片刻的宁静。” 长沙桑拿浴还具有独特的文化内涵。在蒸桑拿的过程中,外籍人士可以领略到我国传统的礼仪文化。例如,在进入桑拿房前,需要脱去衣物,尊重他人隐私;在蒸桑拿过程中,要保持安静,避免大声喧哗。 此外,长沙桑拿浴还具有时尚元素。近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,长沙桑拿浴也融入了现代元素,如采用环保材料、增设休闲娱乐设施等。这使得外籍人士在享受传统桑拿浴的同时,还能感受到现代生活的便捷。 总之,长沙桑拿浴为外籍人士提供了一场独特的身心洗礼。在这里,他们不仅能体验到中国文化的魅力,还能在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的宁静。相信在不久的将来,会有更多外籍人士走进长沙,感受这场身心之旅。

"du" Rizzoli, the referee, sounded the whistle, and Rhea, who was off the court, was in a tight heart. Don’t call Cannavaro a foul! ! If you give him another