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Ji Fan, wait!Ji Fan, wait!

By the way, the agreement after one month, hehe, let’s lay your plain first. —————————————— dividing line Jingzhou Cai Fu, Cai Tianhua (Fang Tianhua was later called Cai Tianhua. )

Now is the human period. It is natural for Zong Ming, a powerful figure like Zong Ming, to join us. Zong Ming has made a deep study of all aspects of military basic knowledge of the army, navy and army a long time ago, especially his understanding of various technical parameters of ships and aircraft is more professional than that of professionals. At that time, he stole so much military information from various countries and gave him a master card for alien technology. In that super brain, he even had the latest and most advanced information on ship and aviation technology on the earth, so it was said that he was a navy. The theoretical knowledge of Zongming in the army and the army is not worse than that of experts and professors in a military school. Tanaka Hui strongly recommended Ichiro Matsuura to award Zongming the rank of Rear Admiral of the Sun-Sea Self-Defense Force for the first time and hand it over to Zongming’s Ten Fleet.Now is the human period. It is natural for Zong Ming, a powerful figure like Zong Ming, to join us. Zong Ming has made a deep study of all aspects of military basic knowledge of the army, navy and army a long time ago, especially his understanding of various technical parameters of ships and aircraft is more professional than that of professionals. At that time, he stole so much military information from various countries and gave him a master card for alien technology. In that super brain, he even had the latest and most advanced information on ship and aviation technology on the earth, so it was said that he was a navy. The theoretical knowledge of Zongming in the army and the army is not worse than that of experts and professors in a military school. Tanaka Hui strongly recommended Ichiro Matsuura to award Zongming the rank of Rear Admiral of the Sun-Sea Self-Defense Force for the first time and hand it over to Zongming’s Ten Fleet.

Imperial Prime Minister Junichiro Matsuura has his own wishful thinking for his imperial effectiveness. At present, Junjun is highly regarded in the Imperial Capital. He single-handedly selected the strength of


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